I've been away a bit. I could say it was a very busy work schedule or the pandemic interfering with daily life, but honestly, I was just finding it hard to motivate myself to write. I think I've gotten over that hump here now and am starting to ease back into the writing groove. So I hope to have a little more to post about in the coming days and weeks.
However, in this post, I want to mention that I was recently contacted through the website by an educator in the Salt Lake City area. She explained that she'd been running a writing workshop for 12-15 year olds and had used my website and some of the resources on it during the course. I can't tell you how gratifying that is to hear. I was honored that some of what I put out here is able to help young writers and students.
She went on to say that one of the students, Amelia, had come across an article as part of the course and wondered if I'd include it in my 'Writing Resources' section. The link has a lot of great resources for young authors; everything from writing basics to careers in writing to publication. You can find the link below and I'll also include it in my resources section.
Big thanks to Barbara for reaching out, and an even bigger thanks to Amelia for taking the time to share. I hope you have the best of luck in your writing efforts and I hope to someday be able to read some of your work!