Greatfather Oak
Greatfather Oak is live at a nature-themed site call Words for the Wild.
The story was partially inspired by this huge oak tree I have in my field. It must be a couple of hundred years old and is far larger than anything close by. I'll try to find a picture of it to update this post with later.
Much like the oak in the story, I believe when this part of my property was farmed years ago, the tree was probably just to big to bother cutting down, so it was left and farmed around. When we purchased the property, I started to clear space around it, but have left the smaller offspring to surround this majestic tree and create a small grove.
When I look up as this force of nature that has lived many generations in human context, I think about all the things trees like this would have 'seen' over their own lifetimes. It made for great foundation for the piece.