Taking Flight

It's here! A few weeks ago, I decided I wanted to take the plunge and stand up a website for my building collection of short stories and all my adventures in writing over the past year or two.
I'd never really designed a website before, but being in IT for my day job, I had just enough experience in this area to be dangerous (though probably not as effective as I might like).
Everyone here at home will tell you that they heard plenty of choice curses from behind my laptop screen the past couple of weeks, but I've settled down now and I think I've figured most of this out. The WordPress CMS platform is actually not too bad once you get the hang of it.
So here it is, full of published works, writing resources and friends pages. I really hope you enjoy the content and would love to hear any thoughts or suggestions for improvements.
Thank you!
- David
Photo Credit: To my daughter Elizabeth Batteiger (insert shameless nepotism here) who relentlessly stalked this redtail hawk to get a picture. I'll be featuring more of her photography in my posts.
Hi Dave! Congrats! It looks great! Ive got my editing hat on, so here goes: 1. There’s no (n) in Robishaw 2. On your first page I think you want ‘start’. rather than ‘stand.’ 3. Thanks for advertising my Author’s Page, but you are taking people to my regular facebook page, not my author’s page. Can you change it to the following:
Well Done mate!
Don – I’m so sorry, I made the changes for your site and your name.
I did actually mean “stand”. We use the term “stand up” a lot in IT when we’re creating servers, sites, etc. But I really appreciate the feedback!