More from the Masters

A couple of more of my friends at Flash Fiction Masters have had their works published.

First, from Ed Kratz is Olivia's Escape. I featured one of Ed's stories in a post here back in June.  This one is absolutely worth a look.  Ed has a great narrative voice and the main character, Olivia, grabs the reader and makes you empathize with her struggle.  I can't say more without giving things away, but it was an engaging read for sure.

Second, from Phebe Jewell comes The Secret Life of Spoons.  This very short piece of flash is told from the perspective of the spoon and it just filled to the brim (you'll get it when you read it) with delightful sensory details.  I remember Phebe posting this in our group and I think we all enjoyed getting to read and provide suggestions.  The final product turned out great.  Well done Phebe!