Well this was bound to happen…

The NYC Midnight Flash Fiction competition kicked off last night.  Meaning that we all get our prompts and then need to get those creative juices flowing to come up with a 1000 word (max) piece in less than 48 hours that revolves around a genre/location/item provided randomly by the competition.

I've been fortunate in the past, to get pull some fairly easy and fun genres to work with -- Thriller, Fairy Tale, Action/Adventure.  But as I've feared, my luck would eventually run out and I'd draw a genre with which I'm not very comfortable.

And so, my weekend will now be filled with agonizing over R O M A N C E

Somehow I've got to work in a Fairground and a No Trespassing Sign, but those two pieces of the puzzle will delightfully simple if I can just figure out how to write a romantic piece.

Where for art thou romantic inspiration?

Wish me luck...